Filming Session Three
Drama Room and shots with the Mannequin
After Half term and a week of doing the editing we started filming again which would be our third big filming session. At the end of our school day we all decided to head into the drama room and film our shots with the Mannequin. The reason for picking this location was because the room has black walls and the size is just enough for us to film in, we also made good use of the rooms stage lights which were used to create different effects. The room was set a bit like a studio and to make sure there was nothing in the background we managed to move everything out of the way when we were filming. And to tye in with the other locations that we have filmed in this created a very dark and atmospheric setting perfect for our music video. The idea for these shots were to show that this girl is unhappy with her boyfriend and by using the mannequin to show her re-shaping him.
The reason for using the mannequin is to symbolise her model boyfriend and her ideas of how she would like her boyfriend to be and this fits in well with the lyrics "Not made for this". During this filming session we thought that the mannequin could represent the boyfriend as we have filmed shots with me singing to him. This will give it a a weird theatrical twist and this links perfectly to the darker mood of the video. We all decided to have the mannequin bare with no clothes on in the shots to make me playing the character look superior to my boyfriend and to make the mannequin look powerless and vulnerable and gives the impression that the gi is in a stronger position and is controlling. The prop was chosen so in the shots i could move the mannequins arms and interact with it, the mannequin is very easily breakable which gave me the chance to be a lot more agressive with it for example taking the arms off him and throwing them to show the agression. I brought with me three costumes to this filming session so i could get change for a bit of variety. A range of costumes is always a big part of other female artists in their music videos as they try to change their outfit throughout the video and always to portray emotions via costume. We also for this shoot got some professional lights from media to enhance the lighting and to create a dark effect. The lighting was also to create shadows but we had to be careful as the lights were powerful and we had to watch in case it was to bright in certain shots.
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